Matvey Demin

With a network of Artist Centres and Ateliers around the world, Yamaha works with leading players to support their performances and develop instrument designs and new ideas for the benefit of all musicians. Yamaha Artists share with us a passion for inspiring the next generation of players, and a belief that everybody should be encouraged to nurture their talent, connect with others and tell their stories through music.
Get to know flute player and Yamaha Artist Matvey Demin
Statement about your relationwith Yamaha or your instrument:
Yamaha instruments have always been there in my life, because when I have just started to play flute - it was a beginner Yamaha model. Over the years I developed a very special relationship with Yamaha flutes, especially with my current model YFL877H. I have never played any other instrument from other brands, because I am still very convinced about quality and limitless possibilities of the sound and colors of Yamaha flutes.
How would you characteriseyour instrument?
It is a relatively new instrument, which I have since summer of 2018. I think, it is a very unique flute, because it took me very little time to get used to it. Although it is a silver flute, it has proven itself to be able to produce a huge sound to fill the biggest concert halls all over the world, for example Suntory Hall in Tokyo. It has a great range of dynamics and colors, and also helps me a lot to create a new special sound.
Who was your most influential teacher and is there any advice which you still follow?
I think, without a doubt - my teacher Prof. Andrea Lieberknecht is the most influential person in that aspect. I have learned so much from her as a flutist and also as a person.
Advice for a young musician
Listen to a lot of different music, form your style and taste, and of course, get as much experience as possible in master-classes and competitions.