Yamaha Absolute Hybrid Maple is the winner!

For the 15th time, more than 100 magazines from all over the world voted to determine the best musical instruments and audio equipment of 2013/2014 in more than 40 categories of the MIPA Musikmesse International Press Awards.

Maple Hybrid Absolute was launched at the January NAMM show to high acclaim. Straight out of the blocks the new drums from Yamaha were a big hit amongst artists and dealers world-wide.

Quote: “Since 1967 when Yamaha made kits at their head office in the Miyatake workshop Hamamatsu right up to 2014, Yamaha continues to impress. I said back in July 2013 in our new facility press release that Yamaha would raise the bar when it came to high end Acoustic Drums. Well it took less than a year to start collecting awards, a proud moment for Yamaha drum staff the world over.” Darren Power – European Marketing Manager

Yamaha pioneered the construction of hybrid acoustic drum shells when it introduced its flagship PHX Series (designed and made in the Yamaha Drum Lab workshop – Japan). As the name implies, the Absolute Hybrid Maple drum set combines a core ply of harder wenge wood with outer plies of North American maple. This unique configuration produces a drum with an unusually expressive tone and a wide dynamic range that faithfully reproduces every nuance of a player’s approach.

For more information regarding these award winning drums please contact your local representative.


Asolute Special Site:

NEW! Yamaha´s Absolute Hybrid Maple Drums (HD)

Absolute Hybrid Maple

Odpovědí na tuto otázku jsou bicí, které vám dokáží nabídnout zvuk, který potřebujete a kdykoliv jej potřebujete. Zvukové požadavky se mezi bubeníky značně liší, liší se dynamikou, kapela od kapely, skladba od skladby, okamžik od okamžiku. S bicími série Absolute Hybrid, Yamaha uspěla s vyřešením tohoto úkolu, tato bicí sada přináší neobyčejný stupeň síly exprese, což bubeníkovi umožňuje dosáhnout takové exprese, které s jinými bicími ještě nebyl schopen. Tato bicí sada nabízí široký dynamický rozsah, který jí umožňuje přesně reagovat na každý jednotlivý úder, a následovat změny dynamiky, nuance a cit, a tím vám umožní hrát, to co skutečně hrát chcete.

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