b vo filmoch - vstúpte do našej video súťaže

“b in the movies” – #playyamahatowin


Robili sme b série pián 10 rokov a chceme, aby sa každý pripojil k oslavám.

Zúčastnite sa našej on-line video súťaže a môžete vyhrať jednu z desiatich 1 000 eurových cien. Video, ktoré získa najviac hlasov od verejnosti, získa zvláštnu odmenu 1 000,- €. Jednoducho stačí do 1. októbra 2015 nahrať krátke video o Vašom potešení s b radou pián na YouTube alebo Vimeo a vstúpiť na našu stránku na Facebooku.

Jednoducho stačí do 1. októbra 2015 nahrať krátke video o Vašom potešení s b radou pián na YouTube alebo Vimeo a vstúpiť na našu stránku na Facebooku. Či to už bude hra s paličkami s Vašou mačkou alebo spievanie do nejakej sonáty, len aby ste oslavovali s b radou ! Najlepších 20 nahrávok podľa hlasovania divákov bude vyhodnotených našou komisiou, v ktorej budú hráči na Yamahe Jamie Cullum and Piano Battle. Oni potom vyberú najlepších 10 víťazov, ktorí sa s nimi podelia s ich radosťou z hrania na oslave originálnym spôsobom.

4 ľahké kroky ako vložiť

  • NÁJDITE niektorú b radu

    Veľmi pravdepodobne nájdete jednu z nich vo Vašom lokálnom obchode s pianami alebo v hudobnej škole. "Možno máte niektorú doma a tie boli dokonca nájdené na železničných staniciach!" K dispozícii sú tri modely v rozsahu b rady, z ktorých si môžete vybrať (b1, b2 a b3). Ľubovoľný z nich môžete použiť na účasť v tejto súťaži.

  • NATOČTE Vaše video

    Jedná sa o Váš 'b' film, takže filmujte sami seba alebo aj viacerých, či už sólo výstup alebo s ďalšími hudobníkmi. Všetko je jedine na Vás - pripomíname len, je nutné aby tam bolo niektoré piano b rady; celé to má trvať 5 minút. .


    Ak už ste natočili Vaše video, nahrajte ho na YouTube alebo Vimeo . Potom nás nájdete na www.facebook.com/YamahaPianosEurope. V hornej časti plochy uvidíte súťažný príspevok. Jednoducho kliknite na odkaz pre vstup, vyplňte detaily na našej registračnej stránke a vložte adresu URL z Vášho YouTube alebo Vimeo záznamu. Konečný termín pre zasielanie videí je 1. október 2015; čím skôr ho zašlete, tým skôr môžete získavať hlasy!



Jamie Cullum

Jamie Cullum je jeden z najpopulárnejších spievajúcich skladateľov na svete, predal viac než desať miliónov albumov. Plynulo kombinuje džez, pop a rock, čím tvorí jedinečnú zmes pôsobivej hudby. http://www.jamiecullum.com/

Piano Battle

Myšlienka medzinárodne uznávaných pianistov Andreasa Kerna a Paula Cibisa, the 'Piano Battle', sa realizuje predstavením muža proti mužovi, kde si podmaňujú a okúzľujú obecenstvo interpretáciou množstva klasických diel. Títo dvaja umelci s jednoznačne rozdielnymi charakteristickými štýlmi sa striedajú v hraní diel od takých skladateľov, ako Chopin, Liszt a Debussy. http://www.pianobattle.com/


Najlepších 10 vybraných porotou

Desať výhercov získa cenu v hodnote 1 000,- €.


Cena od hlasujúcich

Video, ktoré získa najviac hlasov od divákov, získa cenu 1 000,- € v hotovosti. "Ak víťaz hlasovania divákov bude medzi najlepšími 10 vybratými porotou, získa spolu 2 000,- € ! "


Najlepších 20 vybraných diváckym hlasovaním

Najlepších 20 záznamov dostane špeciálny balík Yamaha sladkostí, vrátane oficiálnej ceny súťaže a podpísané darčeky od členov poroty.

  • Konečný termín pre zasielanie videí - 1. október 2015.
  • Hlasovanie divákov - do 15. októbra 2015.
  • 20 najlepších videí a oznámenie o víťazovi hlasovania - 16. október 2015.
  • Oznámenie o 10 víťazných videách - 16. november 2015.

Terms and Conditions 

„b in the movies - #playyamahatowin“ Competition Terms and Conditions

Please note: Only the English version of these terms and conditions is legally binding. Translations can only be considered as supporting content.

This competition is held by Yamaha Music Europe GmbH, Siemensstraße 22-34, 25462 Rellingen, Germany (“Yamaha”).

  1. Yamaha calls
    • Anyone in Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus (registered 22.06.2015), Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece (registered 22.06.2015), Germany, Spain, Estonia, France, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom (save that participants under 18 years or any other legal age of majority as determined by the local law where you reside must be able to provide the consent of a parent or guardian if requested as detailed below) to participate in our video competition.
  2. Participants will be asked to provide an application video limited to 5 minutes. These videos are intended to be published for marketing of the Piano b Series. The performance must be on a Yamaha b Series piano and the winning videos will be inserted and used in the advertising campaign of Yamaha Piano b Series scheduled for the year 2015.
  3. The Competition will be executed on
  4. The closing date for entries is 01st October 2015, 11:59 pm Central European Time (CET).
  5. All participants in this competition must be non-professional, i.e. are not to be already signed to any major record label.
  6. The participant must send his submission in accordance with the instructions on the submission page on the website https://www.facebook.com/YamahaPianosEurope. Submissions will not be accepted by e-mail, post or other means not specified on the aforementioned website. Submission via easypromoapp. The winners will be notified by e-mail.
  7. Each entrant can win no more than one prize for most public votes plus one prize for selection by the Jury.
  8. Yamaha reserves the right to reject any entry.

Submitted video and Usage Rights

  1. The entrants represent and warrant that the video submitted is the entrant’s original work. In addition the entrant represents and warrants that the video shall not contain any so called samples and/or other copyright material owned by a third party, any personal rights, insults, copyright violations, trademark infringements and that any person displayed in the video has given their consent to the publication. The entrant shall indemnify Yamaha on first demand from any claims by third parties due to the entrant’s contribution to illegal content.
  2. All entrants declare that the content of the video uploaded is not subject to rights of licensors, management companies (e.g. GEMA – German society for musical performing and mechanical reproduction rights) or any other third-parties.
  3. No video submitted as part of this competition, regardless of age, should contain sounds or words that could be offensive to the reasonable person on grounds that it discriminates against or is discriminatory to any person or group (whether on grounds of sex, race, religion or other).
  4. The participants hereby expressly and irrevocably grant right of use of their uploaded videos to Yamaha without time and spatial limitation and free of charge be that modified and/or with content restrictions for advertising and/or for publicity of any kind regardless of the various techniques of storage, transmission and image processing.
  5. By entering and submitting a video, all eligible entrants agree to abide by each and all of these general rules, the terms and conditions that govern the competition.

Campaign Mechanism and Prize

  1. The winners will be selected as follows:
    • From all videos the public choose a selection of 20 videos between 15th April and 15th October 23:59.
    • The top 10 videos will be evaluated by a jury consisting of:
      • Jamie Cullum
      • Piano Battle (Andreas Kern and Paul Cibis)
      • Marco Papini (Director Piano, Yamaha Music Europe GmbH)
    • The jury will decide for 10 prizes of each 1.000 EUR. The jury’s decision is final and binding on the entrants. No correspondence will be entered into.
    • The video with the most public votes will receive a prize of 1.000 EUR.
    • The 20 videos voted by public will receive each a special pack of Yamaha goodies
    • The winners of the prizes agree that Yamaha will forward their contact information to the jury members and Yamaha branches.
    • Yamaha will select a winning video for its next Piano b Series advertising campaign during the year 2015.
  2. All entries received by 01st October 2015, 11:59 pm Central European Time (CET), will be entered into the competition.
  3. The 20 finalist videos will be announced by 16th October 2015.
  4. The prizes consists of the following:
    • 10 x 1.000 EUR for the videos selected by the Jury
    • 1 x 1.000 EUR for the video which has most public votes
    • 20 x special pack of Yamaha goodies including an official trophy from the competition and signed gifts from the judges for the best 20 videos selected by public voting
    • All dates might change in the course of the campaign
  5. The prizes will be paid out in local currencies as advertised.
  6. The prize winner will be responsible for any taxes and/or additional costs that may be associated with the winning of the prize.
  7. The public winner will be announced on the official Yamaha Site on 16th October 2015. The 10 winners selected by Jury will be announced on the official Yamaha Site on 16th November 2015 and the winners will be notified via e-mail within ten working days thereof. All reasonable endeavors will be made to contact the winners during this time. If a winner cannot be contacted before this time via email supplied by the entrant with their entry, Yamaha reserves the right to select the entrant whose entry the judging panel consider next best.
  8. Yamaha reserves the right, with or without cause, to exclude entrants and withhold prizes for violating any of terms and conditions. Yamaha reserves the right to amend these general rules. Any amendments will be published on the website.
  9. Uses of personal data received by Yamaha in the course of the competition are subject to the privacy policy found on the website. The collected data will be used only for the operation of this competition and then deleted.
  10. Yamaha reserves the right at any time to cancel, modify or supersede the competition (including altering prizes) if the competition is not capable of being conducted as specified.
  11. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck out and the remaining provisions shall be enforced.
  12. By entering the competition all entrants are deemed to have accepted and be bound by these General Rules.

b série

Yamaha piana série b jsou stejně jako všechna piana Yamaha přirozeně krásné nástroje, které v sobě kombinují umění, kvalitní dílenské zpracování a nové technologie. Na taková piana je radost hrát.


Prodávané za nižší cenu než menší konkurenti při zachování standardů Yamahy ve všech směrech. Model b1 nabízí radost z vlastnictví nástroje Yamaha, za cenu, která vás mile potěší a překvapí.

Dostupné barevné varianty Dostupné další barvy


Díky svým větším rozměrům a těžší konstrukci přináší nový model b2 vynikající zvuk s větší hloubkou a objemem.

Dostupné barevné varianty Dostupné další barvy


Představení modelu Yamaha b3 v této sérii ukazuje, že i zde se objevují profesionální standardy při zachování designové filozofie řady b, kterou je vysoká hodnota a dostupnost.

Dostupné barevné varianty Dostupné další barvy