Novinky a události

Seeking solutions for the post-COVID office space, ADECIA installed in executive meeting rooms.

Yamaha's one-stop sound solution "ADECIA" for remote conferences has been introduced in the conference rooms and multipurpose spaces of KOKUYO Co., Ltd.'s Shinagawa Live Office.

Better sound quality and Smoother voice communication at meetings.

Solving the problems of regular meetings and web conferencing with the large-scale installation of Yamaha products.

Mezinárodní den jazzu: Oslava Chicka Corei

Při příležitosti Mezinárodního dne jazzu 2021 vzdávají jazzoví umělci Yamaha a bývalí technici hold geniálnímu vlivnému klavíristovi, klávesistovi, skladateli a kapelníkovi Chicku Coreovi.


Yamaha is all about inspiring musicians to progress with free new music downloads for Brass Bands, Concert Bands and Fanfare Orchestras.

Disklavier Composers Contest 2021

Jsme nadšeni, že můžeme vyhlásit třetí kolo skladatelské soutěže Disklavier Composers Contest, která propojuje inovativní technologie od Yamahy spolu s kreativním géniem dnešních skladatelů.

Artist Insights featuring Paulo Gaspar

Our Artist Insights series aims to give you fresh ideas and approaches to help you reach your musical potential. Bringing you closer to our artists, this series gives you access to tips, tricks and experiences from professional musicians around the world and is a resource that you can always come back to.

Yamaha Sound Matches The Quality Of Dubai’s Grand Plaza Mövenpick Media City Hotel

The Grand Plaza Mövenpick Media City is one of Dubai’s premium hotels and, thanks to a bespoke Yamaha audio installation, guests who use several of its key facilities enjoy a high quality, flexible audio experience.

Yamaha announces the upcoming release of a new immersive audio solution, including the related acoustic enhancement (AFC Enhance) and image control (AFC Image) systems.

Yamaha is pleased to announce the upcoming release of a new Active Field Control (AFC) version upgrade, including the related acoustic enhancement (AFC Enhance) and image control (AFC Image) systems.


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Yamaha a DAZN zahájili v Japonsku společný projekt "For The Fans Project", který přinese vzrušení ze sportu více fanouškům

Společnost Yamaha Corporation společně se sportovním kanálem “DAZN“ spustila projekt "For The Fans Project" ve čtvrtek 15. dubna.