Over45,000Downloads in the world
Unlock FM Essential!
Get FM Essential – FREE
FM Essential is a FREE synthesizer app for iPhone® and iPad®. FM Essential uses Frequency Modulation (FM) synthesis to create unique, dynamic, synthesizer sound. FM Essential features 10 preset Voices, Effects, Drum Pads, an Arpeggiator and more. Connect FM Essential to a Yamaha MX series synthesizer and unlock the magic! Get 271 total Voices and the ability to save and recall edited Voices. Unlocking is easy, just visit your local dealer and connect your iOS device to MX series synthesizer. Once downloaded to your device, the full version remains unlocked, even when disconnected from the MX!
FM Essential
to your iOS device
Go to your Authorized
Yamaha dealer
Ask to connect your iOS device to the MX series. Once connected, start FM Essential and it is unlocked FOREVER! Check out the integration with MX series while you're there!

Before activation "FM Essential", you can use 10 Voices.
But after activation you can enjoy all 271 Voices which includes FM Essential original presets 64 Voice and legacy Yamaha FM Synthesizers.
The DX100 Voice "Solid Bass" was often used by early techno and house music pioneers.
TX81Z was a rackmount FM synthesizer used by many famous music producers in 80's hit songs.
The V50 was the first FM synthesizer workstation!
Combination voice 15 VOICES
Get the best of both worlds with 15 combination Voices. Combination Voices layer FM sound from FM Essential with the internal MX Voices.

Save and recall your sounds!
An unlocked version of FM Essential lets you save and recall your Voice creations!

Integration with MX Controls
When FM Essential is connected to an MX series, you can interact with FM Essential via the MX knobs, buttons and dial.

What's FM Essential
FM Essential is-true to its name- a software FM synth in iOS.
Since its launch at 21 July, this app has gained popularity and recorded over 45,000 downloads globally. It can be downloaded for free and used by anyone, but once connected to one of the new MX series synths, its full range of features is unlocked.
FM Essentail Voice
MX Series
Great for stage, studio and
everywhere in between
Music Synthesizer
MX61 BK/BU features over 1000 Voices from the legendary MOTIF series plus deep computer and iOS integration in a compact, lightweight keyboard. MX61 BK/BU adds a class-compliantUSB audio and MIDI driver plus unlocks the new FM Essential iOS synth app!
Great for stage, studio and everywhere in between
Music Synthesizer
MX49 BK/BU features over 1000 Voices from the legendary MOTIF series plus deep computer and iOS integration in a compact, lightweight keyboard. MX49 BK/BU adds a class-compliant USB audio and MIDI driver plus unlocks the new FM Essential iOS synth app!
Piano touch, synth sound and
computer/iOS connectivity
Music Synthesizer
The MX88 music synthesizer is the complete solution for the modern piano player, aspiring music producer and live performer. Boasting a realistic piano touch -- thanks to over 100 years of piano manufacturing experience -- MX88 features an 88-note weighted keyboard, modern synthesizer technology and easy connectivity to computers and iOS devices.