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Closer Community Contact - ADECIA Brings US Government Agencies And Communities Together

By broadcasting federal, state and local meetings, Nevada-based SoSu.TV helps to bring US government and communities closer together. To facilitate this, the company is using Yamaha ADECIA intelligent collaboration and conferencing solutions, which offer many advantages for officials and citizens alike.

Music Production Guide 2025 | 02

The latest issue of the Music Production Guide is now available for download. Enjoy!

Yamaha Pro Audio and Stephen “Pato” Pattison, FOH Hozier

In live sound engineering, few names command as much respect as Stephen "Pato" Pattison. Renowned for his meticulous ear and innovative approach, Pato is the sound engineer behind Hozier's celebrated live performances. Handling the complexity of the band’s lush soundscapes requires not only talent but also the right tools. For Pato, those tools come in the form of Yamaha's RIVAGE PM Series.

The latest versions of StageMix and MonitorMix have been released to add improved support for iOS/iPadOS 18

Yamaha released the latest version of RIVAGE PM/DM7/DM3/CL/QL/TF StageMix and MonitorMix apps to address issues in which StageMix/MonitorMix could not connect to consoles and the RTA function could not be displayed when using iOS/iPadOS 18 or later.

Yamaha Celebrates International Women's Day Showcasing the Voices of Women in the Music Industry and Yamaha's Initiatives

Based on its commitment to contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through its business, Yamaha Corporation actively supports the mission of the Unstereotype Alliance led by UN Women and has been a member of its Japan National Chapter since December 2020.

Live Sound, Simplified: Gene Kim’s FOH Journey with Yamaha’s DM7 Compact

Gene Kim, a highly respected front-of-house (FOH) engineer known for his work with Johnnyswim, Phil Wickham and many others, has made Yamaha’s DM7 Compact digital mixing console his go-to for live sound. Now on tour with Pat Barrett, Gene relies on the DM7 Compact to deliver pristine sound and seamless performance in churches, clubs, and iconic venues like Nashville’s Ryman Auditorium.

Yamaha a Yamaha Motor poskytují pohlcující zvukový zážitek na Japan Mobility Show

Od 28. října do 5. listopadu 2023 hostilo Tokio zahajovací Japan Mobility Show, na které se sešlo 475 japonských firem, aby předvedly svou vizi budoucnosti Japonska prostřednictvím vozidel a mobility. Společnosti Yamaha Motor Co. a Yamaha Corporation sdílely společný stánek s pohlcující zvukovou instalací Active Field Control (AFC), která zapůsobila na návštěvníky po celou dobu akce.

Yamaha Group Selected in Prestigious "A List" for Climate Change by CDP for the Second Consecutive Year

Yamaha Corporation has been recognized for leadership in corporate sustainability by CDP, an international environmental non-profit organization, as a "CDP 2024 Climate Change A List" company for its proactive initiatives and transparency regarding climate change.

Vítejte v “Creator Hubu” od Yamahy

Pro tvůrce, kteří se zajímají o streamování, hudební produkci a živá vystoupení, je zde průvodce plný užitečných informací, které vám pomohou začít.

Yamaha a Shure přinášejí integraci SLX-D Quad do digitálních mixážních pultů DM7 série

Yamaha dále posiluje svou dlouhodobou spolupráci s výrobcem mikrofonů a bezdrátových systémů Shure a přináší podporu nejnovějších digitálních bezdrátových systémů Shure SLX-D Quad do digitálních mixážních pultů Yamaha série DM7.