

Smart, casual design
The SHS-300 keytar features a sleek, compact design that fits just about anywhere, and lets you enjoy playing the keyboard even strapped around your shoulder like a guitar. Play standing up or sitting down—the all-in-one concept of the SHS-300 means that it's up to you.

Discover your untapped creativity and style
The SHS-300 comes with a variety of instrument Voices that are essential to any kind of music genre, including pianos, organs, and acoustic guitars. Embellish your sound with sustain, vibrato, and pitch bend, and let the pro-quality mini-keys unveil your creativity.
Informace o produktu
SHS-300 Keytar (složenina vzniklá ze slov “Key“board + Gui“tar“) má elegantní a kompaktní design, díky kterému zažijete okamžitou radost z hraní hudby.
- Konfigurace “vše v jednom“
- 12 vysoce kvalitních zvuků s polyfonií 32 hlasů
- Kolečko Pitch Bend, ovladače vibrato a sustain
- Mini klaviatura profesionální kvality
- USB MIDI rozhraní
- Bezdrátová Bluetooth® MIDI konektivita (tato funkce nemusí být součástí nástroje v závislosti na zemi, kde jste produkt zakoupili)
- Funkce JAM
Související produkty
The colors and finishes shown may vary from those on the actual products.