A.R.T. Pickup System (for NX2000,1200,900,700)
Our A.R.T. pickup system is used on a number of our steel string guitars and has received high acclaim for its superb sound quality, incredible dynamics, and outstanding feedback rejection. Our engineers designed the A.R.T. System 61 especially for the NX Series, to faithfully reproduce the tone and dynamics of nylon strings. Combining a number of exclusive technologies, the A.R.T. system affords the NX Series the versatility to accommodate an incredible range of playing styles from fingerstyle to pick to percussive flamenco, all while retaining the natural tone of the guitar.
Newly Developed Contact Pickup

A conventional contact pickup mounted underneath the saddle vibrates freely allowing it to pick up the natural body sound. On the other hand, it can pick up too much body sound resulting in feedback making positioning difficult.
By comparison the A.R.T system used on the NX Series guitars utilizes a multilayer damper in order to absorb excessive vibrations and control feedback. System 61 consists of two pickups mounted on the high and low sides of the guitar, each with its own control to provide the NX Series guitars with flexible tone tailoring.
Newly Developed Preamp System

Complementing the characteristic warmth and full mid-range tone of the nylon string guitar, the System 61 preamp uses Yamaha's class-leading technology to offer an easily controllable, wide tonal range, making the sound of the NX perfect for any show or playing style.
The preamp offers individual volume control for both pickups, delivering a totally natural sound with robust lows and clear highs. A built-in 3-band EQ offers powerful sound shaping while an on-board tuner provides excellent usability during performance.
Under-saddle Piezo Pickup (for NX500)

Yamaha exclusive under-saddle pickup with the SYSTEM73 preamp provide solid and cut-through plugged-in sound in a band.

NCX Line

Klasický styl
Klasika, flameco, latinská hudba nebo pop - cokoli je tím vaším stylem, tyto kytary hrají a znějí skvěle, díky tradičnímu designu připravenému doprovodit široké spektrum herních stylů.
Uchycení krku na 12. pražci

Tvar krku je stejný jako na klasické kytaře. Rozměr hmatníku je 52mm u nultého pražce a 62mm u uchycení krku.
Standardní hloubka

Standardní hloubka těla 94-100 mm a kruhový ozvučný otvor produkují bohatý zvuk.
Headstock Design

The striking head design blends traditional design with contemporary cues and powerful imagery setting the NX Series apart from the rest.
High precision machine heads offer tuning ease.
Warm Wood Rosette

The sound hole is decorated with an original inlay design of mahogany, padauk, and abalone. The NCX Series uses a round hole shape (left) while the NTX Series is elliptical (right).
Kobylka RBX

This distinct bridge design is atrait of the NX series.

NTX Line

Současné styly
Perfektní pro hru latinské hudby, jazzu, popu nebo rocku. Tyto kytary jsou spíše jako akustické kytary s kovovými strunami - připravené na jakýkoli styl, který na ně budete hrát!
Uchycení krku na 14. pražci

Tenčí tvar krku jako na akustické kytaře s kovovými strunami.
Rozměr hmatníku je 48mm u nultého pražce a 57mm u uchycení krku.
Tenké tělo

Tělo hluboké 80-90mm a eliptický ozvučný otvor přinášejí jasnou, prvotřídně hladkou odezvu.
Headstock Design

The striking head design blends traditional design with contemporary cues and powerful imagery setting the NX Series apart from the rest.
High precision machine heads offer tuning ease.
Warm Wood Rosette

The sound hole is decorated with an original inlay design of mahogany, padauk, and abalone. The NCX Series uses a round hole shape (left) while the NTX Series is elliptical (right).
Kobylka RBX

This distinct bridge design is atrait of the NX series.