Repertoire Finder Prodej ukončen

Můžete rychle nalézt nové registrační banky pro skladby a písně, které chcete hrát.

Search for songs by name or artist name.

With an ever growing database, Repertoire Finder is designed to help you find what you look for.

You don't even have to be sat at your instrument, when you're out and about you can search for songs whenever inspiration hits.

When you get home you can sync your new registrations to your instrument.

The ‘What’s new’ section keeps you up-to-date with all the latest songs added to the database.

Pomůže vám zobrazit obsah celé registrační paměti najednou.

Registration Memory buttons can be used to switch and select registration buttons on your instrument.

Move to landscape mode and the Registration Memory buttons will display the content such as Voices, Styles, Tempo and section name making it easy for you to quickly see the make up of that registration button.

There is also a Song preview that allows you listen to the original track via iTunes.

Odešlete požadavek na skladbu, kterou chcete hrát.

Can’t find the song you want?

You can expand your repertoire by requesting new songs to be added.

You can share your own registrations for others to enjoy.

You can also add comments to your shared data, explaining any relevant information that might be useful to other users.

Podpora playlistu.

Uspořádejte své oblíbené skladby do playlistů.

Playlist lze využít pro přípravu různých setů pro živá vystoupení nebo jednoduše pro organizování dat do kategorií, jako například podle oblíbených umělců.