Development Artist: Andy Martin

The YSL-897Z was developed with Andy Martin, the world's finest trombone player.

The new balancer found on the YSL-897Z perfectly proportions the instrument's weight.
Interchangeable Leadpipes

The YSL-897Z comes with 2 interchangeable leadpipes, Z1 and Z2.
Inner slide
The chrome-plated nickel-silver drawn inner slide is very durable and has a quick, sensitive response. In addition, it is a one-piece drawn slide.
Outer Slide
The one-piece, drawn, brass outer slide maintains an accurate diameter throughout its length, and this type of construction ensures airtightness, smooth action, and exceptional durability. The outer slide is fit with extremely close tolerances making the trombone respond quickly and effortlessly.
Jednodílný ozvučník
Jednodílná ozvučnice má axiální (podélný) spoj, což z ní dělá prodloužení nástroje. Výsledkem je čistá, jednolitá rezonance a vynikající tón. Ozvučnice z tepané žluté mosazi, díky pokročilé technologii výroby, vytváří perfektně vyvážený tón rychlou odezvou a extra presencí.

SLC-891Z case.