MTX série
Srdce vašeho zvukového řešení

Maticové procesory MTX, určené především pro vícezónové komerční instalace, jsou vybaveny flexibilními funkcemi zpracování, které jsou nezbytné pro širokou škálu aplikací, jako jsou maloobchodní prodejny, restaurace/bary nebo prostory pro recepce a hostiny. MTX procesory, které jsou zodpovědné za primární funkce zpracování signálu v srdci vašeho systémového návrhu, vám umožní konfigurovat, programovat a spravovat celé zvukové řešení prostřednictvím intuitivního rozhraní dodávané softwarové aplikace MTX Editor. Série se skládá ze dvou modelů s různými kapacitami DSP a možnostmi rozšíření, což umožňuje MTX procesorům splnit požadavky skutečně působivé řady komerčních prostor.
Lots of function to One unit

An Intuitive Graphical Interface for Sound System Design
There are two design software applications available for use with the MTX/MRX Series.
ProVisionaire Design

ProVisionaire Design
ProVisionaire Design is a comprehensive Windows software application that allows intuitive sound design when using compatible Yamaha products. It is perfect for designing systems that utilize Yamaha products such as the MTX/MRX Series, the XMV Series, Rio/Tio interfaces, and ADECIA solutions. ProVisionaire Design can also be combined with the ProVisionaire Control computer application, allowing integrated control of all aspects of a project, from system design and configuration to everyday operation and management.
MTX-MRX Editor

MTX-MRX Editor
The MTX-MRX Editor is a software application that can be used to construct sound systems with the MTX/MRX Series or the XMV Series. It allows control of sound systems to suit the environments and applications of multiple different areas, including delivery of music and vocal audio tailored to the specific needs of each area, and timer-triggered automated music playback and announcements.
Yamaha provides a wide range of remote control options

From a customer perspective, the ability to access simple control of their audio system is crucial, no matter how sophisticated that system is. For this reason, Yamaha provides a wide range of remote control options. These include simple DCP wall panels with wireless equivalents that can operate from an iOS or Android phone or tablet. Then, there is more sophisticated MCP1 programmable wall mount controller, PGM1 advanced paging station microphone and the fully customizable ProVisionare Touch and ProVisionaire Control Apps for iOS tablets and Windows devices respectively.
MTX Overview
This installment offers a more detailed introduction to the MTX processors, plus some of their useful features and uses.
The colors and finishes shown may vary from those on the actual products.