Instalační série

Pátrání po tom nejlepším v profesionálním zvuku

Technologické inovace se ve světě profesionálního audia odehrávají dechberoucím tempem, s výjimkou jedné zásadní a často přehlížené oblasti. Navzdory všem inovacím zůstává faktem, že ozvučovací systémy jsou stále nejdůležitějším, variabilním a problematickým článkem v audio řetězci. Reproduktory přímo interagují se svým prostředím a dalšími součástmi systému, takže je nezbytné používat reproduktory, které jsou správně navržené pro jejich použití a nastavit je tak, aby spolu s místností fungovaly jako vyvážený celek. Druhá část výše uvedené rovnice je doménou dodavatele a zvukového technika, ale za první část nese odpovědnost výrobce. A to je to místo, kde odhodlání Yamahy poskytovat to nejlepší může znamenat rozdíl mezi průměrným a vynikajícím zvukovým systémem.

Společnost Yamaha si před více než 40 lety uvědomila, že jednoduché budování systémů s reproduktorovými jednotkami jiných výrobců není to, co by chtěla dělat a to vedlo k dlouhému a náročnému procesu pro hledání ideálních reproduktorů založených na originální technologii. Postupem času vedla inovativní technologie produktů Yamaha k řadě průlomových produktů, které zavedly nové standardy výkonu v řadě kritických oblastí.

Cíl je jednoduchý: zajistit reprodukci zvuku, která je zcela věrná zdroji. Jak však potvrdí kdokoli, kdo se podílí na konstrukci a výrobě reproduktorů, dosažení tohoto jednoduchého cíle je velice obtížné a žádný reproduktor na Zemi se v tomto ohledu nemůže nárokovat absolutní dokonalost. Dobrou zprávou je, že se nyní více než kdykoli předtím velmi blížíme k dosažení tohoto nepolapitelného cíle.

Nová instalační série reproduktorů Yamaha řeší řadu důležitých výzev, které jim dávají nebývalý výkon a vlastnosti zpracování pro živé zvukové produkce, včetně stálých instalací. V celé sérii jsou zejména fázové charakteristiky udržovány hladké a konzistentní, takže můžete kombinovat reproduktory tak, aby vyhovovaly jakémukoli systému a místu, aniž by hrozily horká a mrtvá místa kvůli fázovému rušení. Samozřejmostí je vynikající zvuková kvalita v celém rozsahu reprodukce, takže zdrojový materiál zasáhne absolutně celé publikum.

Tento přístup k návrhu a designu je patrný u všech produktů Yamaha Commercial Audio. Důkazem je obrovský úspěch našich průkopnických digitálních konzolí PM1D a PM5D, produktů pro zpracování digitálního signálu, analogových konzolí pro živé zvučení a dalších souvisejících zařízení. Yamaha se jednoduše věnuje poskytování nejlepšího zvukového výkonu dostupného kdekoli a za každou cenu, od vstupních signálů do systému až po výstupy. Naše nová instalační série znovu bortí půdu pod nohama výkonem a pohodlím, které mohou posunout zvuk v jakémkoli místě na vyšší úroveň.

IF2205 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 90º x 60º dispersion pattern.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • 1" high-frequency compression driver with 1" exit.
  • Six 8mm-screw (M8) and two 6mm-screw (M6) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Matching U-bracket available as an option.
  • Barrier strip connectors

IF2108 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 90º x 60º dispersion pattern.
  • Multi-angle cabinet design enables floor monitor applications.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • 1.75" high-frequency compression driver with 1" exit.
  • Eleven 10mm-screw (M10) and six 8mm-screw (M8) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired two Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2208 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 90º x 60º dispersion pattern.
  • Multi-angle cabinet design enables floor monitor applications.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • 1.75" high-frequency compression driver with 1" exit.
  • Eleven 10mm-screw (M10) and six 8mm-screw (M8) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired two Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2112/64 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 12" woofer and 3" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • Trapezoidal design eliminates interference in array use.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10 mm-screw (M10) and four 8 mm-screw (M8) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2112/95 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 12" woofer and 3" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • Trapezoidal design eliminates interference in array use.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10 mm-screw (M10) and four 8 mm-screw (M8) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2112/99 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 12" woofer and 3" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • Trapezoidal design eliminates interference in array use.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10 mm-screw (M10) and four 8 mm-screw (M8) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2112/AS SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 12" woofer and 3" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • 60-100º x 60º dispersion pattern.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Sixteen 10 mm-screw (M10) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Pole mountable.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired two Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2112M/64 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 12" woofer and 1.7" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • Trapezoidal design eliminates interference in array use.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10 mm-screw (M10) and four 8 mm-screw (M8) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2112M/95 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 12" woofer and 1.7" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • Trapezoidal design eliminates interference in array use.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10 mm-screw (M10) and four 8 mm-screw (M8) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2112M/99 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 12" woofer and 1.7" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • Trapezoidal design eliminates interference in array use.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10 mm-screw (M10) and four 8 mm-screw (M8) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2115/64 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 15" woofer and 3" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • Trapezoidal design eliminates interference in array use.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10 mm-screw (M10) and four 8 mm-screw (M8) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2115/95 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 15" woofer and 3" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • Trapezoidal design eliminates interference in array use.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10 mm-screw (M10) and four 8 mm-screw (M8) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2115/99 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 15" woofer and 3" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • Trapezoidal design eliminates interference in array use.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10 mm-screw (M10) and four 8 mm-screw (M8) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2115/AS SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 15" woofer and 3" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • 60-100º x 60º dispersion pattern.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Sixteen 10 mm-screw (M10) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Pole mountable.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired two Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2115M/64 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 15" woofer and 1.7" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • Trapezoidal design eliminates interference in array use.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10 mm-screw (M10) and four 8 mm-screw (M8) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2115M/95 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 15" woofer and 1.7" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • Trapezoidal design eliminates interference in array use.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10 mm-screw (M10) and four 8 mm-screw (M8) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF2115M/99 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 15" woofer and 1.7" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • Trapezoidal design eliminates interference in array use.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10 mm-screw (M10) and four 8 mm-screw (M8) suspension points provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IF3115/64 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • 15" low-frequency driver, 8" midrange driver, and 3" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Switchable between bi-amp and tri-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10mm-screw suspension points (M10) provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL8 and barrier strip connectors.

IF3115/95 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • 15" low-frequency driver, 8" midrange driver, and 3" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Switchable between bi-amp and tri-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10mm-screw suspension points (M10) provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL8 and barrier strip connectors.

IH2000/64 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • 8" midrange driver and 3" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10mm-screw suspension points (M10) provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IH2000/95 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • Horn can be rotated 90-degrees, allowing vertical or horizontal mounting.
  • 8" midrange driver and 3" high-frequency compression driver with 1.4" exit.
  • Switchable between single-amp and bi-amp operation.
  • Fifteen 10mm-screw suspension points (M10) provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IL1115 SRT systém

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 15" low-frequency driver.
  • Thirteen 10mm-screw suspension points (M10) allow flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame and U-bracket available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IS1112 Subwoofer

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • 12" subwoofer.
  • Twelve 10mm-screw suspension points (M10) provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • 1-3/8 inch pole socket on top surface.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IS1215 Subwoofer

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • High power subwoofer.
  • Dual woofers can be switched for discrete drive (IS1215 and IS1218).
  • Twelve 10mm-screw suspension points (M10) provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame available (for IS1118 and 1218 only).
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IS1118 Subwoofer

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • High power subwoofer.
  • Twelve 10mm-screw suspension points (M10) provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

IS1218 Subwoofer

Colors / Finishes

Favorites with discerning contractors and engineers, these speakers feature Uni-Phase design and matching sound - even between different models - for easy system setup and tuning.

  • High power subwoofer.
  • Dual woofers can be switched for discrete drive.
  • Twelve 10mm-screw suspension points (M10) provided for flexible rigging.
  • Durable black or white finish (can be painted to match any interior).
  • Optional matching array frame available.
  • Parallel-wired Neutrik NL4 and barrier strip connectors.

The colors and finishes shown may vary from those on the actual products.