Co je to ProVisionaire?
ProVisionaire je sada softwarových aplikací pro návrh, provoz a správu zvukových systémů postavených na produktech Yamaha Pro Audio. Plně přizpůsobitelný software Yamaha ProVisionaire je stejně vhodný jak pro zábavní průmysl, tak pro trh ProAV a umožňuje uživatelům pomocí jedné softwarové sady vytvářet komplexní a plně škálovatelné zvukové systémy, od nejmenších až po ty největší. Navíc přináší možnost jejich velmi snadného ovládání kýmkoli - od nejzkušenějšího zvukového technika až po nezkušené uživatele - pomocí tabletu, notebooku nebo stolního počítače.
Aplikace ProVisionaire Design je ideální pro vytváření konfigurací DSP a zdokonalování dalších aspektů návrhu systému. Aplikace ProVisionaire Control PLUS poskytuje komplexní ovládání kompletních systémů z tabletů a dalších externích zařízení. ProVisionaire Cloud umožňuje efektivní správu licencí zařízení Yamaha. Tyto tři aplikace poskytují systémovým integrátorům nástroje, které potřebují pro hladký a efektivní pracovní postup při vytváření a správě zvukových systémů libovolného rozsahu.
ProVisionaire Design
- Flexible and intuitive system configuration
- Includes a variety of audio components for intended sound design
- Versatile logic control setup
- Probe monitoring
ProVisionaire Control PLUS
- Total system control assigning necessary parameters from supported devices
- Create Custom Control Panel depending on the needs
- Drag and drop parameters from ProVisionaire Design
- Windows and iPad/iPhone support
ProVisionaire Cloud
- Flexible license management
- License activation/deactivation
ProVisionaire Cloud is being introduced in stages. Please contact your local Yamaha subsidiary to confirm if it is available in your region.
Application Examples
Multi-purpose venue
ProVisionaire Design offers comprehensive functionality for overall sound system and individual sub-system design in multi-purpose venues that might include theaters, dressings rooms, conference rooms, and more. When the sound system is ready, ProVisionaire Control can be used to create user-friendly control panels that include parameter controls, preset recall capability, and any other required functions. A sound system built around the Yamaha DME7 processor with a number of smaller MTX processors handling audio in individual conference rooms or other spaces, for example, can be designed and configured entirely using only the ProVisionaire Design application.
With signal processing inherited from the Yamaha RIVAGE PM series and an ample selection of available audio components, the DME7 is a great choice for theater sound systems. The DME7 can be configured with matrices that allow easy switchover to sound equipment brought in by outside sound or theater companies, without having to make changes to the house system.
ProVisionaire Design
ProVisionaire Design
- Overall facility matrix and individual room systems all designed within one ProVisionaire Design project.
- Processor configuration for the theater, plus sound parameter control via high-performance audio components.
- Preset management utilizing the grouping capability.
- Logic control used to design control sequences
- Probe component can be used to check internal DSP routing while offline.
ProVisionaire Control PLUS
ProVisionaire Control PLUS
- Provides metering of signals from processors, I/O, and amplifiers for easy signal status confirmation.
- ProVisionaire Control PLUS panels can be distributed via the ProVisionaire Kiosk app to prevent unwanted changes when multiple operators are present.
- In integrated touring systems, one-touch preset recall allows the house system to be easily recalled when the tour event is over.
ProVisionaire Cloud
ProVisionaire Cloud
- DME7 license activation.
- Efficient license management, including the ability to deactivate a license that can then be activated and used on another DME7 unit in a temporary system.
Meeting Room
Comprehensive, transferrable system design for conference rooms, plus control interfaces that make operation easy for inexperienced users. ProVisionaire Design allows overall system design as well as individual management of MTX5-D processors in separate rooms, all connected via a Dante network.
Component parameters in fixed-architecture MTX processors allow flexible adjustment, and can be dragged and dropped into the ProVisionaire Control PLUS app and assigned to create control panels containing only controls needed by specific operators.
ProVisionaire Control PLUS panels can be distributed to iPad application ProVisionaire Kiosk to prevent unwanted changes.
ProVisionaire Design
ProVisionaire Design
- Set up internal configurations for fixed-architecture MTX configuration processors.
- Use the Scheduler function to schedule an automatic reset to default settings on a specified date and time.
- External Event function can be used to control external devices such as projectors and motorized curtains.
- Dugan Auto Mixer contributes to well-mixed presentations.
ProVisionaire Control PLUS
ProVisionaire Control PLUS
- Lay out essential parameters in a single tablet display screen.
- Allow inexperienced users to operate sound systems without stress or errors.
- Microphone and speaker level control, one-button preset recall, and more from a tablet display.
Produktová řada
The colors and finishes shown may vary from those on the actual products.